The Send Away

To help our puppies and their new families get off to a great start, we send each puppy home with a New Puppy Packet which includes:

  • All veterinary records, including vaccines, de-worming medications given
  • A copy of the pedigree
  • A copy of your signed contract & genetic health guarantee 
  • AKC Registration Information 
  • Information on potty training, crate training, nutrition, and vaccines 
  • A stuffed toy or blanket with the scent of your puppy's dam and littermates 
  • a small sample of food your puppy has been eating
  • We will provide you with training, vaccine and nutrition information and support for the life of your puppy 

We will do our best to make this transition as easy as possible for you and your new family member! We suggest picking up your puppy when you have a few weeks free, to help him or her adjust to his/her new surroundings. Poodles are very adaptable and we feel confident your adjustment will be a success. We recommend you bring along your puppy's crate, with a soft blanket or two inside. If your driving a long distance, please bring a small bowl and a bottle of water, plastic bags and some paper towels. We love to stay in touch with our pups and their families through pictures, email and visits.